Arise Shine

This morning I read something about inflammation. I have worked so hard at creating this network that I’ve neglected my health. I went for a victory lap this morning. In fact , I’ve been walking for the past four days for about an hour every day. This morning was only 20 minutes.

I think sitting for hours every day is murder. People need to get out more often and see the forest for the trees. I am feeling more relaxed and capable. Still have migraines but by the grace of God these will go in Jesus name.

I think if I chip away at this unfitness , day by day I can regain me form and optimism for life. Lets see how far I get. And even if I don’t get that far I am sure that I’ll go to heaven. Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you !

Amen ! Have a great day.

Glamour Spirit

People always trying to get you to believe there is something wrong with you , even to the point of using the bible against you. ‘ deliverance ‘ ministers of the female kind love to get you to believe their lies . Don’t date a woman who wants you to believe she holds the spiritual high ground.


I went to a little gathering at a house in menlo park Pretoria. I was singing and spent some time in the Spirit when I heard ‘ Yes ! ‘ . ‘This is what I died for ‘ said the Lord. I looked around me as I saw 15 people all singing and praising God and they were completely relaxed around one another. I found myself smiling and I realized that it is completely possible to be people of a different nature . We are family. And there is no reason to judge anyone. I imagined groups like this little one all over the country all allowing the Spirit of God to move into and through the group. I was crying as I felt the Spirit of the Lord descend on the group.


The leader of the group also heard the Lord say ‘ Yes ‘. I was so happy to finally feel as if I belonged somewhere. Church doesn’t do it for me. In this little group I found it easier to say something and to hear someone else say something. What we do in church on a Sunday isn’t what the Lord had intended. Somehow we need to get this revolution going in the right direction again. People should come together in celebration as I experienced this Sunday. Praise the Lord !



( parts of this piece are from the Lord and some are from me , distinguish the difference at your own discretion )


I’ve been in church environments all my life and to be quite frank I don’t see God anywhere in them. All I see are self seeking hypocrites. Some who believe they’re cool and leave people believing lies and others who just want to hog the lime light.

Makes me sick to be quite frank. I don’t think people who go to church represent the kingdom of God as set out by Jesus Christ in the book of Mathew. They’re the blind leading the blind.

I remember once in standard 7 a girl at the youth took a liking to me but I didn’t want to be in a relationship with her. When I looked again I was punched in the stomach by a guy called Steven. Steven if you’re out there , you’re an idiot. Sandra if you are out there you’re putrid cow. Not in Christ however , there is some hope for you. Perhaps to be a great light in the kingdom but you people are who Jesus came for because your hearts are set on your own gain.

I’ve been approached in church so many times by women who want something from me. Do they see church as a place where you can just seek out and get what you want ? Perhaps but then they’ve missed the point.

Recently I was sought out by a prophetess who to be quite frank was seriously wired negatively upside her head. Someone who had preconceived ideas about how life should work and how a relationship between a man and a woman should work. A man wasn’t built to be a womans garden boy. He was built to have a help meet. A woman is supposed to be doing the helping.

We can’t go on like this. A church isn’t a place where you try and hook up , compare and do all sorts of stuff that should really be done in the world. Which leads me to believe that the Church is the world. It’s a religious world of ambition and conceit. Those on stage care nothing for those in the pews and those in the pews banter to those on the stage to try gain control. What’s even more disgusting is that so called prophets want to come up and give a word from God who can’t even say outright that God loves them. Psychopaths abound and there is collateral damage.

Prayer meetings are even more disgusting. One tries to impress another of their flowery words that go nowhere. Jesus said ” CLOSE YOUR DOOR AND PRAY ” !

These are the words I was called : Nut , a beautiful mind and all sorts by people who’s spiritual IQ is lower than their EQ. I am disgusted. The scum of the earth gather in church buildings. Jesus did NOT come to make a church . Even the word Church is pagan. Jesus didn’t come to honor Sunday worship. He came to create Disciples. So more closely approximated , find 12 and allow them to kill you. If you aren’t up to it, walk away. Count the cost. But this endless parade of bullshit called Christianity isn’t it. I don’t report to a pastor on my behavior toward my wife. Quite simply because it’s got nothing to do with him. Infantile people who need to always feel as if they’re in a school appreciate this hog wash system. Reporting to someone who really just sees you as a cash cow isn’t what Jesus died for.

I am livid. Have you no shame ? All of you ! Cornering innocent men and women for your groping desires , your selfish ambitions . Itchy ears coming to ‘ hear ‘ a word from the Lord. The word of the Lord is this. Start doing it or I’ll come tear your altars down and place you in Babylon. You will be a foreigner in your own country ! And don’t think it’s not coming. Have you no fear of ME ? Do you think you can practice deceit , conceit , sexual misconduct and think I don’t see. Do you not fear ME ? You should !

And yes the Gospel is unconditional love but don’t you fear that you haven’t already believed it ? I , Yes I , think it’s disgusting that you’ve taken the blood of the Lord and tread it underfoot as a common thing.

Your skirts get shorter , your lips plastered with red lipstick and your nails baked with nail varnish. You’ve no clue what it shouts. It says ” I am a prostitute ! ” . I have prostituted myself for the attention of mere men and I compare myself to other women. You might as well be lesbian. You’re a whore before my eyes! Repent !

You organize little tea parties and organize e-mailing lists to feed your own ego not MY purposes. You replicate the shame of Constantine over and over in your church like settings. You have no idea who I am neither do you know my heart. Repent ! Turn ! Taste and see that I AM who you need.

I came that you may assemble in an authentic way with one another and honor one another , one not higher than the other , one not leaching off the other but so that you can help each other ! Church ! ? I didn’t come for Church. I came to save the world , the church is the WORLD. I came that you may be called out from that whore. The one who’s foundation is mammon. Find ME in one another. Just believe what I’ve done for you and shine the light. Church ? I DIDN’T DIE TO REMOVE A TEMPLE SO YOU CAN ALL ERECT SHRINES OF THE SAME OR LARGER MAGNITUDE. THERE ARE MORE BUILDINGS BUILT IN MY NAME THAN HOMELESS PEOPLE IN THE STREET ! WAKE UP MY CALLED OUT ONES !

Do you really think that I came to establish what I died to tear down ? A building standing empty week after week where I get slaughtered week after week based on 1John. I came to set you free from Guilt . To remove you from an evil conscience toward ME. But you still don’t see !

You seem to think that people who don’t gyrate in my presence don’t know me. Perhaps I’ve burn’t all the DROSS out of them . Did you think of that ? No you’re too immature still drinking milk.

Thoughts to Character

The one thing we as Christians need is a Godly Character. How are we to develop this character ? Again.. Are you so foolish having begun in the Spirit that you are now going to be made perfect in the flesh. How do we remain in the Spirit ? Focus on the one mealie. The one truth. Read the word but through the lens of the Cross. love of God

See Jesus in the word. Focus on Christ ! We become who we behold. We will have a greated capacity to walk in the Spirit when we remain in His word. But His word isn’t complicated. It’s all about the Grace and Truth found in Jesus Christ. And His truth was made manifest on the Cross.

End of Sermon.

The One Mealie

Despite the efforts of the devil to demotivate me by putting people on my path that railed against me I know that I am not condemned. I have a natural optimism and sense of fun that no body can take away from me. I don’t care how super spiritual you think you are , you’re not on the right side of history by trying to tell me I am not saved. Telling me that I have a spirit a soul and a body and trying to convince me that I have to ‘ work ‘ on my soul is counter gospel. Jesus wouldn’t die to make it so hard for me to walk in His identity. But you , oh fool , are so far from salvation I take pity on you. If your soul didn’t get the message your Spirit wouldn’t have come alive. So your soul is saved together with your spirit when you get the revelation. Your spirit man isn’t separate from your soul. Jesus died to save your soul. And it isn’t a work in progress. It’s a fact. If you die to today , what are you going to tell Jesus when you get to heaven ? I can just see it -‘ Oh no wait.. I still haven’t worked on my soul enough ‘ Then you haven’t accepted what He did for you and you’ll be sent to a rather firey place. milie

People like you ; the one’s who preach emotional healing ; make me sick. You’re pathetic losers who want to cajole the victims in this world for your own glory. Jesus commandment was to go into all the world and make disciples of Him. Not to write your own copy written books and cd’s for your own glory and fame. It’s one simple truth. One mielie if you will. ( I was once told that all I see of the whole bible is one truth – a corn of maze – south african ‘ mealie ‘ ) And that’s all it is as far as I am concerned. One flippen mealie. One truth. Jesus died for your sins and rose again for your justification. A finished work. Now accept it. But Nooo…you’re too egotistical to accept it , you want to be able to tell your story..of how you went through all your history when you were in your mothers womb even. Rubbish ! I see no one in the new testament crawling up their family tree being delivered from blood line curses or their victimhood. People like you make me sick . I can just feel the Holy Spirit fire within me as I write this.

I am not condemned. Never was and never will be. I am not so foolish having begun in the Spirit that I am now going to be made perfect in my own flesh. I refuse to panel beat my old man. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus by grace through faith ! It’s good news you buffoon. It starts as good news and works itself out because of good news. Theophostics is nothing more than working out your own salvation. But how many times do you have to see that Jesus loves you for you to actually believe that He loves you unconditionally ? Just believe ! And no one having drunk old wine immediately desires the new for he says the old is better. What does this mean ? It means your desire to want to panel beat your old man is pathetic . It’s religious. It’s Arthur Burkey. Pathetic ! Its like those unbelieving Israelites who wondered in the desert for forty years never making the destination of the promised land.

If your father promised you a car tomorrow morning and gave you the keys. What do you need to do to receive the car ? Only believe it , go out and get it. What’s all this mindless working on your soul for ? Be transformed by the renewing of your mind is to get to the place where you simply believe otherwise why would the commandment be to enter into His Rest ? Never deviate from His Rest. I resent people who make others doubt their salvation. Who cause them to disect their behavior into OCD type compartments. Self absorbed , self monitoring selfish beasts. Focus on Jesus !.

I am naturally optimistic and I will fight the good fight of faith till the day I die. I will uproot every false doctrine and lie in the name of Jesus. I will not stand by and watch His body be lied to and never walk in victory. You are my enemy because you refuse to believe in Jesus and only Jesus. There is no Jesus plus Arthur Burke ministry or any other clown you can name. . There is only Faith in Jesus FINISHED work. The one Mealie.

How can you hear the gospel , start to believe and feel the bubbles in your stomach and then veer off to lies and false doctrines ? You are a body soul and a spirit my foot. You’re just you and that’s that. You’re either in or you’re out . Make your mind up.