Coffee brand

Nikipress is supposed to be an umbrella brand name. Features nowhere except for here at the moment. No trading whatsoever. It’s all dreaming at this point. Not positioned to...

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Mom’s death

I haven’t written for ages. I am going through a tough time. I’ve just come through a tough time. My mother has passed away after five months of severe...

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A post just for posting sake.

I feel like I am being done in. No social support. No one cares. People are rushing about trying to fulfil their big me requests. One of these fine...

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Latest News

Salvation University

A free university ..well… a play on words if truth be told. It’s really a place where every module that I received from the online bible college can freely be downloaded. I noticed that there are 40 users registered. Wow.. people actually downloading the modules and studying them ?

Well at any rate, I thought that this university was just there for show and yet it’s doing something. I pray for it to grow and reach many many people. We need the truth of the gospel to go out into the world. The seed has to be sown.

Coffee brand

Nikipress is supposed to be an umbrella brand name. Features nowhere except for here at the moment. No trading...

Mom’s death

I haven’t written for ages. I am going through a tough time. I’ve just come through a tough time. My mother has passed away after five months of severe illness. She developed liver bile duct cancer. Cholangeo carcinoma.

I’ve been missing wondering why am I doing all of life still. I am 53 and wondering if people will even follow me anymore. What’s the point if your mother dies ? It’s pure terror to think of life without her. Things have got to change now , slowly. She suffered allot during her five months of illness. I battled to understand her and try save her. It all ended up with me looking after her at night and changing her nappy. Fighting doctors and people who believe in morphine.

I am lost for now… I have to configure my life in a way that still functions for the next two years without falling apart. I don’t know where all the strength is going to come from. All the decisions that I have to make. I have a pain on the right side of my head and it doesn’t want to go away. I don’t do anything in a worldly sense to alleviate it. I don’t smoke , drink or do anything to pacify my pain.

I’ve allot of footage to prove what I am saying is true. Not that I have anything to prove.


Moving forward

This little network is moving forward very slowly. A while ago I figured out how to play playlists in VLC player . I added it to OBS broadcasting software and vuwahlah … I have a tv station I can play 24 hours a day. The only problem I have now is , I need to get fibre going in the apartment I am broadcasting from because I don’t want to have wifi signals flying through the house 24/7… I have proven the concept. I can get a studio going , I have the know how… now all I need is to get the support going for the brand. Nikipress needs to become the biggest brand you’ve ever seen in your life. Anyway… if you click on ‘ my personal twitch stream ‘ on the main menu , you’ll get a taste of what can be done 24 hours a day. If Jesus doesn’t come back before then that is. you’ll see streaming on and off till I get the whole thing up and running.