Prophetic action or literal project ?

I had a massive dream when I started blogging good news. Now I see that perhaps it was just a prophecy of what is to come. I see movies being made of the entire bible so that people won’t have to read it anymore. I thought that the money to create these movies would come from you the people supporting this network. But I see now that it is already in the making and Mel Gibson has the inside track on this.

So perhaps , all this is just a prophetic action of something that is already happening in the Spirit. None the less , it has been a challenge to get this multisite up running. I’d like to have made public the vision through my own face appearing on a youtube video or two but I have a serious headache on the right hand side of my head. It limits my speech and I feel self conscious about it. I pray that God would relieve me of this pain through being able to express myself here and through art.

I wish that all the visions I have received could be manifested on earth like the building of orphanages from support given to this network , where I could film the building of these safe houses so people can trust that their support was stuwarded well . Or perhaps this is just another prophetic word going out. Hospitals too.

I don’t know how to get this ball rolling. I have too much personal anguish that limits me. I risk everything to get this on the ground and I am sorry to admit that my fear is perhaps bigger than my faith. I have a level of faith , that keeps me flying around churches observing people where I keep this vision bottled up inside me. I don’t know if I’ll ever be given the opportunity to let it out , so that people can see the beauty of it.

And I keep attracting women who’s only intent is to use me for their own gain , not to support the vision God has given me. Makes me sick to even think about it. I am so naive . I believe that they’re good people but when I look again they’re just stumbling blocks in my life.

I hope I can at least experience some of the manifestation of this dream in this life time. But to do that I’ll need a whole new way to receive and manage funding for this project. It’s complicated and I am in much danger.

Can these dry bones live ? Perhaps in Christ only. Any other way it won’t work. I always wonder about the how to make something work. I just wish I could get it all to work.

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Hopelessness vs Hope

I remember a while ago , I said ” Hopelessness vs hope ” Bring on the challenge. And so it happened.

My dad died after overcoming blindness. And now my mother wants to commit suicide every other day. It’s a mission just to keep her alive. I can’t believe this is my mother. I wonder what God is trying to teach me here and don’t tell me that I challenged the devil and I shouldn’t . We’ve already overcome the world in Christ Jesus. There is nothing to do in the face of evil except to remain in the secret place of His victory. The devil is defeated. He doesn’t have a right in my life. And no.. don’t come and tell me about legal rights etc etc. People try to complicate life too much. 

I managed to work through some issues I’ve had with two of my PC’s . Installing a liquid cooler in the one and upgrading it’s case and installing a graphics card in the other and a CPU fan. But guess what ? I am still up and running. Praise God for his continued faithfulness.

At some point the prophetic words that were spoken over my life will manifest and I’ll savor every moment of it. While my ex boss and people who’ve hurt me stand in awe because they totally misjudged me. I was never malicious , I was just principled and you didn’t get me. It’s sad to be on the receiving end of people’s bad natures but the wheel does turn. And then I am gonna show mercy because Jesus showed me mercy . I will win you into the Christ through Christ. I have a living Hope. He is ever with me. Amen.

Recently I have been watching historical movies of Alexander the great , napoleon and the shroud of Turin. We are truly blessed to have free access to such good quality documentaries. The shroud of Turin really blessed me and re-inforced my faith in Jesus Christ. Hope restored.

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I am just in awe of what Elon Musk has managed to do. The safe return of the booster rockets to earth is such an inspiration for people who love to make things happen. Well done Elon !


Life Challenge

Life is a challenge ,

We sometimes think we know it all but really we don’t. We can make a choice to live this life or move on to the next one. No body is forced to stay here. If you know of someone who is alive now that you should be loving , reach out to them regardless of how you feel . The opportunity may pass and then it’s too late. Because let’s face it , when someone dies you don’t know they’re listening. Tell them now when it counts. 

If you can’t chose to live at least don’t chose to die. Just focus on Jesus , He trusted God. Don’t give up. Don’t think life is all negative and not worth living. Be a human being , Just Be .

We all have people in our lives that forget about us. People drift in and out of our lives. If someone hurt you , forget about them . Most of the hurts we’ve experienced have been because we’re too sensitive. Our attitude was wrong. We must first seek to understand and then to be understood. Don’t think that people will understand you all the time. Just try and understand them.

I wish I could reach down into everyone’s heart and apply some healing balm. So much nastiness in this world. So much selfishness. People are so worried about the future that they’ve forgotten about the present. Live here, live now. Don’t think it’s going to be better only if this happens or that happens. You’ll miss it.

I am so weary and tired but I know somewhere in the future I look much better than I look right now. Blessed are the poor in Spirit. For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. We don’t have to have the best attitude out there. We only need to be ourselves , God loves us just as we are. Please accept His invitation and Trust Him. And don’t let anyone misrepresent Him to you. Don’t think that people who’ve been going to church for 1011 years know any better than you do. Sometimes they know nothing.

Open your heart today to His forgiveness and Love. Why should I be forgiven you say ? Because you’ve been focused on how little God loves you. Stop today . This day , make a fresh start. Believe. You’ve been challenged with the life you’ve been given. Live it, embrace it , and present to us the best version you can possibly be. We need you.

There are things that only you can do , that no one else can . We have been tasked with the little things and the great things. But don’t underestimate the power of the little things. A little thing can change someone’s life forever. Just a simple smile can change a person’s life . I know you’ve heard this before. I was once in the dumps for months until a man at a movie theater smiled at me when he saw me. That lifted me and sustained me.

Look at the Sun , and know that you’re casting a good shadow. Don’t work on your shadow and forget the sun.

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The Body of Christ

Christ , King Priest and Prophet .

I long to see the body of Christ manifest on the earth. And you should too !

The recipe is quite simple. It’s start with the gospel and never leave it. And the gospel isn’t a bunch of theological exegesis’s of the bible. It’s the simple fact that Jesus took upon His body all of your sins , died to pay the price for these self same sins and rose again. And that’s it. Nothing more nothing less. A God-man who died for your sins and came back from the dead. Believe this , and you’re saved.

The problem is , we have all of the church world preaching ‘ the word ‘ with few results. I am frustrated at this spaghetti movement. And I blame people like Derek Prince and many others who just speak plain shit , please excuse my language. You don’t carry a blood line curse . If you believe the plain truth of the paragraph I just stated above , you’re set free from your family tree. But there are a few bastards , bitches and whores out there , who think that their head knowledge is required in order to impress on others just how much they know theologically. They’ll answer to God for sure. Let anyone who preaches any other gospel other than the one I have just stated above be cursed. And that’s it.

Now.. if we’re on the same page , people who believe said truth two paragraphs above , will be new creatures in Christ. They will through this repentance process and each have a testimony. Now the bible says that , we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimonies. We need to share good news with each other folks. It’s that simple. We don’t need your theology seriously. We need your faith in God and your resulting testimony !

Ok .. now that I’ve vented for the umpteenth time. I’ll let you go.


I think I’ve found a solution to the problem. I am going to look into creating a crytocurrency for Nikipress. This way it’ll challenge people to participate in the currency through mining of tokens/ coins and those very coins can be used to pay for journalists to find the news for the network.

Words cloud with Blockchain

Currency is life and life is currency.

Throw in the towel ?

Sometimes a person is faced with a road block. I’ve heard many testimonies of people who’ve got stuck with their ministries and they couldn’t move forward. In all cases , I heard that the people had decided to give it to God. And God made it work in the old end.

I think I too have reached this stage. When I pictured this ministry in the new age of the internet , I think many people pictured something similar. There are tons of sites where you can see good news. What makes this one so special ?

I was advised this week , because of the situation I find myself in that perhaps it’s better not to kick the door open on something that could cause a draft because the door that should have opened would be open at the same time that the door I want to kick open would be.

What am I saying ? I am a dreamer . I have always been a dreamer. I remember one time I went to the local fair , show , where all the rides are .. and I went into a ghost house and experienced it. I came home and decided to build one out of card board. I just had this ghost house in my mind the whole time . I couldn’t get it out of my mind. So I thought of globes and cotton wool. Paper clips and card board cut outs of ghosts and little cars that drive on little rails into and out of the house. I got onto the bus and told a friend of mine. He actually ordered one and wanted to know when it would be done. I landed up lying to the poor guy about it for weeks. Eventually I couldn’t face the guy.

And then there’s the many times I’ve designed a sports car in my mind. I’ve researched it and tried to cut corners and just create the perfect sports car that people could build at home. Something that could take off and become a cult like activity.

And , now there is this.. only difference is .. I’ve actually created a multi site. I dreamed up a TV station and thought it would operate like a light house in the dark , only broadcasting good news. I told someone about it and forgot about it because it’s just too darn expensive to do. Where the revenue of the station would be used to create good news as well. I wouldn’t have done anything about it until someone came up to me at a prophetic meeting and handed me a light house. 

It’s the lighthouse that you see in the framed picture on the wall. Silly me. What was I thinking ? I thought God actually wanted me to build him a lighthouse TV station . I decided to use blogging after seeing a friend of mine who had started his own blog. To date I think he has had something over 120 000 hits on his blog. Mine has had far fewer .. Anyway.. I had this vision where I could create a family of blogs , one for each city in the world. And I did.. I can actually create a new blog for every city in the whole world. And it would be connected to twitter and facebook and the main site

I have been challenged by everything lately. My dad passed away and he my mom and I were part of a unit that enabled me to get this done. He’s gone now and my mom needs more of my attention and I am looking at my creation and I can’t carry it forward.

Perhaps I am like David who got the plans for the temple but his son Solomon built it. Perhaps all I’ve received from the Lord are the plans. I can’t build it. I am finished. I don’t know why God gave me the picture of the lighthouse. Perhaps it’s all fluke. Nice fluke though. I’ve spent 160 000 $ of my time working on this.

It’s not about receiving money to continue with the work. It’s about the spiritual atmosphere I find myself in. It all seems so damn depressing when you chip away at something and you envision yourself in a leadership role and now being relegated to taking orders again.

Perhaps I am like Joseph waiting for someone in authority to notice him and give him a break . I’ve been to hell and back more times than one to be able to get to this point. I just feel that the God of the bible is missing from my being. And until I get Him back into my life so that I don’t care about this network as much as I care about Him , it’ll never work. I think God chose someone who doesn’t get it , if at all God has chosen me.

I am 46 years old , I’ve wasted my whole life thinking about the world , it’s problems , it’s people , God.. and everything and I can’t find a way forward other than being in Christ. But it seems to me ‘ Christ ‘ like people are few and far between.

I’ve been laughed at and shown very little interest in what I’ve created here. People are not interested in winning. They’re more interested in talking about lofty ideals of being close to Israel and other ideas. They’re not interested in winning this war. And we’re in a war. Make no mistake. I think people who love God have missed the whole point. Talking about God and representing God is good news. But when they start with ‘ if my people , who are called by my name , will humble themselves , turn to me .. I will heal their land ‘ they’ve created an air of religion that no body understands . Firstly , if you are His People .. you’ve already humbled yourself and turned to God. It doesn’t help to further confuse people that they still have to humble themselves and turn to God. Secondly , if you are His People , you’ve already turned to God. Stop making life so damn difficult ! Who wants a difficult life ! ? We’ll never change the world for Jesus because we’ve not allowed Jesus to change our minds about who we are. And it’s simple.. Only believe in His unconditional love for you and accept it.. Then hopefully you’ll have some good news to share . And that’s what this network is for.

I’ve been laughed at by people I’ve shared this vision with. They came across as someone that believes in the vision but then laugh at me. Why ? Why ? what have I done to you ? eh ? I am confused.

I am calling all believers to stop believing bad news and start confessing good news . That’s what I built this network for.

I am very close to switching it off. First I’ll record it and make sure I’ve documented it… so at least when someone asks me ‘ what did you do for 8 years of your life  ? ‘ I’d have something to show. It was very hard to do this and I used up every bit of grace I had going for me.

I am going to rest and see what God does. If this is from God , He’ll make a way for it to work. If not.. the switch is going and this network will die. He will never die and he doesn’t need my network to get His purposes fulfilled. I just thought I was being obedient.