Welcome to April

We are in trouble. Our world is controlled by oil. Now forget the blurb you hear. Think about what I am saying. We are in trouble. We are dependent on oil. If there is a glitch in this oil system . We are going to die of starvation. We need to find ways of living outside of this oil stream. The whole world is drunk on the wine of babylon. The wine of babylon is oil. Wake up people ! Get into Christ.

We are in grave danger. We need to seek out and make friends before it’s too late. There is a time coming where panic will beset us and if we haven’t made friends we’re going to suffer. All the ways you treat people now is going to matter. Sow into the Kingdom of Heaven for heaven sakes ! Don’t delay.

I ask that you consider truth. Consider what you hear , consider who you trust and why. Consider everything but most of all trust God ! The purpose of this site is to inspire you to trust God ! Work the works of God. Seek the Holy Spirit . Reconcile yourselves to God before it’s too late.

Fish don’t just land up dead on beaches , the world doesn’t get hotter unless there is a way to make the world hotter. Forget the blurb. There is an evil force attacking us and they want us dead !

Thousands of dead fish have washed ashore on the south tip of Pawleys Island, S.C. on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. The fish are menhaden, a common bait fish, have drawn a large number of birds to the area which are feeding on them. (AP Photo/The Sun News, Steve Jessmore) LOCAL PRINT OUT (MYRTLE BEACH HERALD OUT, HORRY INDEPENDENT OUT, CAROLINA FOREST CHRONICLE, GEORGETOWN TIMES OUT)

Thousands of dead fish have washed ashore on the south tip of Pawleys Island, S.C. on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. The fish are menhaden, a common bait fish, have drawn a large number of birds to the area which are feeding on them. (AP Photo/The Sun News, Steve Jessmore) LOCAL PRINT OUT (MYRTLE BEACH HERALD OUT, HORRY INDEPENDENT OUT, CAROLINA FOREST CHRONICLE, GEORGETOWN TIMES OUT)

Ante-Nicene Route

I’ve had about enough of churches and their ways. I don’t think they’re for one minute interested in expanding...

The Body and the Blood

Focus on Jesus and His shed blood. And you’ll see the word become manifest to you. You’ll understand the word in a way you’ve never understood it before. Jesus died so you can live. He died so you can find true life. Your life may now be linked to the area you live in. If you conceive of leaving that area you shudder. You don’t want to go live with poor people. You have made your area your God and you’re working for it.


” How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? ” – Hebrews 10:29

Jesus died so you can be made righteous. Reason being , all the things you chase you think will make you righteous or give you a feeling of security acceptance and love might do so in the short term but in the long term will only kill you. Accept His offer of salvation and give up all the images you’re chasing. If it’s that guy you want , drop it and accept Jesus instead because that guy may leave you or die. If it’s that area you want to live in , it could be overrun by drug dealers , who incidentally make more money than you. What kind of a neighbor do you want to rub shoulders with ? Matters not. You get the idea. Only Jesus will satisfy you. His blood shed will set you free. His blood destroys any separation you may believe separates you from the love you’re seeking . It covers the law so that there is no accuser standing before God right now telling God what you’ve done. Satan doesn’t have the right , the legal right to accuse you before God right now. And if there are any people teaching you this non sense , drop it. Satan can accuse you but God sees the blood of His son. God is Love, He doesn’t avenge but if you’re going to come to God one day and say you’ve not accepted and been thankful of His son’s blood you’re not going to get any sympathy because YOU KNEW AND DIDN’T BELIEVE. Don’t come to me and say ‘ it’s so hard to believe God loves me’ ..It is very easy to believe that Nike loves you or Mercedes or any other such idol..How much easier is it then to believe that God loves you by his Son Jesus Christ ! ?

I never saw Mercedes Benz die on a cross for me. Or Tag Heuer , or Empiro Armani. Really ?  So it’s hard to believe Jesus loves you ? I don’t think you’ve fully evaluated Jesus and His finished work. Get studying ! BIBLE ONLY PEOPLE !


Youth Worship

I went to a youth worship evening last night where I took some interesting pictures. They put on a very heart touching skit. It was good to get out and de-stress .

worship service


Server rockin

server rocking

Sometimes things just happen on this network I can’t explain. I see the bandwidth rocket. People keep watching.. a good sign. Notice the blue and yellow in the picture above. It lasted almost 20 hours..and then…poof..it ended..but it was great to see it working.

server rocking2