There are bloggers and there is me

I am not your typical blogger. I started blogging five years ago I think. I can’t exactly remember when it was that I started blogging. I was looking for a way to do something for God that involved people changing their way of seeing the world in order to build their faith. I spoke about a TV channel for a long time . A TV channel with a difference. I wanted it to be a a space away from the every day negative fear inducing news that people hear about all the time. I also wanted it to be a place where people don’t get preached at 24/7 and get asked for money that seems to go into a black hole. I don’t see any good that these TV stations do in relation to the amount of money they ingest. It’s a waste of everyone’s time and an obvious point of ridicule from people who know what really happens to the money.

I thought a TV station where people actually used the money to help people is needed. A place where the total revenue of the station was used to do good. That could be shown in order to build people’s trust in an entity. Because let’s face it, these days you can’t trust government , you can’t trust the news and you sure as hell can’t trust the church. By the way church isn’t even in the bible. So who can you trust ? People are looking for a way to live. And they’re looking for someone to follow. Jesus is the obvious choice. Jesus , pure and unadulterated is what the world is looking for. Anyway I digress.

So I decided to create a blog , and after that I thought , wouldn’t it be cool if the whole world could have their own blogs on a single network. When I say whole world I didn’t mean for it to be the secular world. I meant , the body of believers in Jesus Christ. So each and every organisation could have a blog on this network and each and every believer who believed that sharing good news is the way to go. And so the great trek began. I wondered forever about the name till eventually I settled on nikipress. It had a ring to it. Niki meaning victory in Greek and press like a printing press. Victory-Press πŸ™‚

So now that the network has been created I have to populate it. I’ve two churches so far and one person. I don’t quite think people quite get the idea yet. I have seriously burned myself out building this network. There are still some teething pains and I am sure there will be allot more. The sliders on the theme I chose doesn’t work like it’s supposed to . And it still costs me more than it actually creates to do the good I wanted every month. But I trust God because I believe I was called to do this. Someone came up to me in a prophetic course and gave me a drawing of a lighthouse and the name of the TV station I always wanted to start was to operate like a lighthouse. His words to me were ” I don’t know why but God says this is for you ” and then he handed me the lighthouse. I took this as a confirmation that God said ” build me a lighthouse ” .

I’ve tried to stay true to the cause. In the process I’ve burned myself out , I think I have done allot of work for the Lord but I’ve forgotten the Lord of the work. And with it have made some serious moral judgement errors . I am only human after all. I’ve more than made up for these errors and am just waiting on the Lord for renewed strength to do what He wants me to do next.

Thanks for reading. This is a personal blog , so do me a favor and ditch the whole ” He doesn’t seem very professional to me routine ” .

3 comments to “There are bloggers and there is me”
  1. I love your website! You have a vision for Christ and He will finish the work that He started in and through you in His time..God’s timing is always perfect! Continue building on this vision God has called you for!!!

    • Thank you for your comment. Sometimes I wonder if people really come and read what I write here. Thanks for reading. Thank you for encouragement. Bless you ! I’ll continue waiting for His perfect timing πŸ™‚

  2. I totally agree. It’s all in his time not ours is what kept us going. Stay positive with many blessings dearest brother

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