Don’t care! I dare you.

Sometimes, it pays to go back to the way you were when you were just a young child. The time of your life when you were pushing the boundaries. When you hit your head hard on the tar , were challenged for a while , refused to get back on your bicycle but then in true Richard Branson style said ‘ screw it let’s do it ‘ or

…Nike style ‘ just do it ‘. I couldn’t care anymore. Life isn’t about caring if you’re waving your fork in the air at the dinner table. King David didn’t care if he danced before the Lord stark naked. So why should I care? People can be so ridiculous in their expectations of one another. They say they follow Jesus but then totally lose it because of what their friends say.

I say, wave your fork around at the dinner table. And if it’s considered rude do it even more! You’re here to be original not a people pleaser! Don’t go poke someone’s eye out now but don’t let people constrain you either.

Go read the gospel accounts carefully and the pharisees always had something to say about Jesus’s behavior. You just don’t get it! Jesus said it isn’t what goes in your mouth that makes you Holy but what comes out. He was criticized because his disciples didn’t wash their hands before eating. So what does this tell you? Jesus didn’t give a damn about etiquette.

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