I spent almost five years of my life in an idiot church. You know, they say, upon hearing the gospel- read your bible, pray every day and attend a good bible believing church. Church for starters isn’t in the Bible. It doesn’t work ! You might as well join a gossip circle. Anyone with an iq above ten can tell you that, second there are no bible believing churches . If there were they’d pay your electricity account, feed your children and comfort you when your spouse dies. Alas, it’s a grand illusion designed to steal your life from you and put you into a beholding position to the ‘ elders ‘. I have never been so insulted in my entire life. Little minions collecting the money calling themselves deacons who aren’t even young enough to spell alphabet. Makes me sick. Hypocrites.
Five years I spent in a bible study only to be told that ‘ your ministry ‘ isn’t legitimate. Then what is legitimate ? Serving your mother a cup of tea is legitimate you dufus! Really angry about pompous asswipes. A person is doing their absolute best to make the world a better place and they’re told that their ‘ ministry ‘ isn’t legitimate. Fucking hell! Are you blind?! There are 2400 people who read my daily devotional!
No man, I really resent ‘ submitting to you ‘, you’re screwed buddy. Submission is to people who love you, not pompous asswipes looking to make themselves renown. Get on the right side of history. Before its too late. Jesus never ordained church or ceo’s who give a weekly speech who call themselves pastors.
I also now know that tithing has nothing to do with money. No where in the Bible does it say we have to give a 10th of our earnings. It’s food, produce to help the poor. Churches these days only point out what people want to hear and are blind to what’s really written in the Bible. Today’s pastors are out to make money out of everyone and make one feel guilty for not tithing.