Changing goals

I was once in and of the opinion that getting people together to work towards the goal of stamping out corruption was my goal. Since the scamdemic I have realized who’s disciples you all are. To say satan wouldn’t be far off. You can’t see that supporting someone like me would be within your best interests, you’d rather take a Jab and poison yourself. Self hate is a horrible thing to observe.. Community hate is even worse. And that’s what you all stand for. By taking the Jab you are all saying that there is no hope in us coming together. You all want to remain separate and frigid towards one another. I can’t believe just how low you all are. How debased and clueless. This has left me thinking I should just switch this off. What’s the point. Who am I fooling. And that was my 13 year experiment in trying to organize some resistance. You deserve the hell that’s coming for you.

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