
I don’t know if I have mentioned this before , but I’ll give it a try. Somewhere inside me a light is shining that wants to be revealed. Christ in Me wants to be made manifest. And …ok..let me just say what happened. Resurrection-copy

I was worshiping and I realized that we’ve got it back to front. We are there to receive something from God when in fact by just believing in the gospel we’ve already received we’ll start to give. There is nothing more to receive from God. We only need believe and give.

I realized that there are allot of people attending funeral services every Sunday in churches because they simply don’t get the gospel. They get allot of other things but they can’t smile and lack the Holy Spirit. We’ve a powerless church. A church without the power to change itself or the society in which we live.

Anway… So as I focus on this my Joy is enlarging and HE is shining more and more through me. We should be happy for His ( which is really ours too ) Victory. And that’s it.

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