Forgiveness is divine

This morning I woke up in a very lonely place. Someone told someone close to me something and now I am in the dog box. I don’t know why , but these things happen. I feel cut off , shut out and very lonely. It’s not my fault or perhaps it is but I can’t figure out what I may have said. I have an idea about who gossiped but I can’t be sure.


Now I have a choice. I can search for the culprit and spend allot of energy doing it or I can find it in my heart to forgive. Finding it in my heart to forgive is the critical part. But I am supposed to have a new heart , a heart of flesh. I have to find it in my heart to forgive because I am forgiven. I have to concentrate on the I am forgiven part. It is something you receive from Jesus. I cannot look at it any other way. If I try to forgive in order to receive the forgiveness of Jesus I am setting myself up to fail. Because with my old heart I can not forgive divinely. And it boils down to a work. From then on I can say , ‘ I am so great, this situation worked out because I forgave ‘ . So where does God then get the glory ? The only logical thing to do is to accept His forgiveness till you realize that you have enough love with which to forgive. I am a new creation. I have to accept this fact and focus on it. Trust it . And then I’ll relent from looking for the culprit.

Anyway, I am a little disappointed in people. It’s almost as if when I started creating this site all the demons of hell were let lose to torment me. Everyone close to me turned on me. I was called names by my neighbors. My friends deserted me. My ex called me psycho. My pastor laughed at me. It makes me conscious of the fact that the world is full of unrighteousness. I’ll just have to be the righteous one . Prepare the cross. We all have a cross. And the unrighteous one’s also have one . They just don’t know it yet. We are like lambs led to the slaughter.

I pray we’ll see one day that if we all embrace the cross we will all be like lambs to each other. And if we all understand the Gospel we’ll finally act as ambassadors of His Grace instead of our own religious egotistical self efforts.

Have a hum dinger of a day !

Bless you

In Christ I have conquered the world

I have conquered the world by faith in Jesus Christ. We are to walk as though we’ve died and gone to heaven. Who of us can really say that we walk this way ? If we did we would carry the power of heaven wherever we went. We’re supposed to live a back to front life. We represent the end from the beginning. We’re seated together with Him in heavenly places. So why don’t we represent Him properly ? conquered

There are many reasons for this. We haven’t come to the knowledge of the truth yet. We don’t accept the simplicity in Christ. We want to read volumes of books and ‘ work out our salvation with fear and trembling ‘ but this working out has an end. It has a time and a place where it comes to the knowledge of the truth. That as of the very first when you heard the gospel and believed you died and your life became hidden with Christ in God. You’re all Christs . Behave accordingly. You’re all called to save the world . Behave accordingly. I can’t instruct you to do this , you need to come to the knowledge of the truth. And that is .. you’re dead and He lives through you. Shine your light.

Jesus said ‘ Fear not for I have overcome the world ‘ . When we believe in Him we can say the same. You have overcome the world. Wear your earth suit in such a way that all it does is clothe your new reality. You’re dead and have been placed together with Christ in heaven. You can rule and reign. Happy day !


I don’t know if I have mentioned this before , but I’ll give it a try. Somewhere inside me a light is shining that wants to be revealed. Christ in Me wants to be made manifest. And …ok..let me just say what happened. Resurrection-copy

I was worshiping and I realized that we’ve got it back to front. We are there to receive something from God when in fact by just believing in the gospel we’ve already received we’ll start to give. There is nothing more to receive from God. We only need believe and give.

I realized that there are allot of people attending funeral services every Sunday in churches because they simply don’t get the gospel. They get allot of other things but they can’t smile and lack the Holy Spirit. We’ve a powerless church. A church without the power to change itself or the society in which we live.

Anway… So as I focus on this my Joy is enlarging and HE is shining more and more through me. We should be happy for His ( which is really ours too ) Victory. And that’s it.

Long time no post !

Hi People ,

I’ve been bogged down with many little foxes. Some of them have taken allot of my time and made me very frustrated. I have overcome ! Yes ! My car had to be be practically rebuilt. It started with the humble carburetor and ended with the right fender being dinged . I replaced shock absorbers and mountings , control arm bushes and rack and pinion.  And then last week the unthinkable happened. My core i7 dream machine decided it was going to break . It’s just been one heck of a ride but now it’s over. And I’ll be able to focus more on the network. I just need to deal with some unruly neighbors and things and then I’ll be able to function better. I guess I should say that I need to win some neighbors over to my way of thinking because I don’t quite think that fighting with them will help , even if their actions are intended to make me feel less worthy.

So expect some more good news and growth next year . In December things will slow down considerably. I’ll still try to blog once or twice and remember to keep running. It’s like so much work to keep it all working. You get bloggers, and then you get super bloggers and then you get me, the king of bloggers. haha ! It’s quite funny.. sorry private joke. Keep visiting and expecting great things to happen.


Cafe Racer

Thinking of building myself a cafe racer. Will get there …. rome wasn’t built in a day… this guy is really inspiring.

The Monthly Rant !

Wouldn’t it be great if people actually paid to hear some good news and humor ? But no , I have figured it out. People love to compare themselves to others because of their legalistic mind sets. They think if they can get exactly what they want they’ll be acceptable to their neighbors.rantimage_lrg

If someone experiences a loss they’re secretly happy in the deep dark recesses of their minds because they are that one step ahead of them. Sick !

They complain about everything and never experience any good in life despite all their deceitful lying to those who see their perfectly plucked eye brows. No body cares except you , trust me. It’s all in your head. And yet you persist in seeking out bad news in everything you see. It’s the devil you say, No ! It’s you ! take responsibility for your futile thinking.

There are no demons in buildings or paintings. You’re the demon walking around telling everyone you see how evil the world is. There is nothing beautiful left in your head because you’ve polluted it with your religious views which have only served to create and fuel wars in the past. Well congratulations. clap clap clap….you’re going nowhere slowly and you’re dragging everyone down with you in the name of Love. pathetic..and people actually listen to you.