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Nikipress Statistics Go Ape

The stats on nikipress went ape last night for the first time since I created this site. I am pleased to see the server doing what it was designed to do. The site received 6000 hits in two days . Generally speaking ofcourse. I’ll place some statistics here .

The most visitors were from the USA. They’re concerned about the election results. Most of the visitors came from duckduckgo ..which just goes to show that people are ditching google. I was booted off facebook but my post managed to get 2000 referrals within facebook. So what good does it do to ban me from facebook ?

Pleased at the results of how the server is functioning.

New platforms needed.

I find myself posting video’s . We’re in a war of words. I don’t even know how safe it is to be so open about what I do. This is becoming a war on my identity and what I believe. I feel like we’re losing the war because people are so addicted to facebook , twitter and youtube. The mainstream of society don’t know anything different. As long as it’s free that is all they care about. What are we going to do ?
I have tried to find an avenue of expression but having a website doesn’t quite cut it because people aren’t going to leave the comfort of their platform to come view my webpage. But if someone would just make a search engine that works like facebook then we can each have our own websites , post what we want but all be linked on that search engine. Wish I knew more about web design .

We have and…but we need more. There is also Brighteon which I’ve joined but couldn’t care a less about. When we post on these platforms it seems like we’re preaching to the choir. We need our own conservative free platforms. The only way we’re going to get them is to pay for them. Free stuff always costs you something in the end.

The truth is going to come out but will it be too late ? I hear what they’re planning on doing to us and I cringe. I knew they would eventually back us into a corner.

Right on my Twitch Stream

Still wondering what this streaming thing is all about. I’ve been streaming for a couple months now. Just waiting for that breakthrough. Not quite connecting with my audience.

Today I sent out a mail chimp letter. Hopefully that’ll hit a home run. Not holding my breath.

I am streaming right now. I just would like it if I could explain my vision to people and see what they think. Would require many many many fans. Together we can change the world. A steady income would create good deeds and employment right around the world. This is my vision. A focused approach to streaming. Gather all those good news stories all over the world and pool them on

Still waiting for my usual follower Donnie_Lucifer. Great guy. Ok so how does this vision go ? Perhaps you can look at . So … what are people looking for ? I believe people are looking for someone they can trust to not lie to them and do what is best for everyone concerned. End corruption and psychopathy.


We need to wake up and unite.

I’ve managed to find a platform from which to live stream. I can do it from If I build my own streaming service my viewers will need to get VLC media player and there are those who don’t know how to set this up. I am glad I found I have started uploading videos there. People , we are facing something terrible. Something I’ve been warning you about for 20 years. Not specifically blog readers , my audience. Or my facebook followers. I thought that the best way was to follow the word but something in me also says we must expose the works of darkness.

People.. times are going to get so dark that you’re going to wish you were never born. I can’t stress how badly I wanted to create a following that would understand that we have to fight back. But no.. you’re dead and stupid.

Now you’re waking up but it’s too late. For me it’s too late. Doesn’t stop me from playing the violin while the titanic sinks. I hope there is a reprieve so I can lead many to the Lord and get us all on the right track. Time will tell. I think we need a healthy dose of THE FEAR OF GOD ! We’re allowing them to kill our crops ! We’re allowing them to poison our livestock and kill our farmers. Next they’re going to take our cars away. We’re stuffed. They’ve lied to you. Their plan is genocide . Their lies reach to the heavens.

Attacks on our food supply continue at all levels: New Zealand has blocked farmworkers from entering, leaving crops to rot. Biden advocates mandatory COVID19 testing for farms, processing plants, and grocery stores, ensuring more shutdown of the food supply. Vandals hang bolts from corn, ruining thousands of acres of silage and potentially killing thousands of cattle in a “willful, specific act to harm livestock.” A massive — and full — grain elevator in Marengo has burned to the ground. Christian breaks down the latest sabotage on our food supply chain.

The dangers of linking your blog to your twitch feed

I use this blog as a kind of public diary. Words however can be very powerful. Especially when it comes to creating an impression of yourself in the minds of others. I myself , always like to say that I am IN CHRIST. But to the uninitiated they wouldn’t know what that means.

Today I was described by someone coming off anti-depressants as someone who has social issues. Issues ? If I am a watchman in the Kingdom I’ll come across as someone who has social issues. But I find this insulting in the flesh. They came over to my blog and must have read some of my personal struggles. Issues with past girlfriends and words spoken over me in my life. This is not a true picture of who I really am.

Does that person honestly think that creating a multi subdomain blogging site with limited help while I try to market it an easy task ? One can not create without any payment or recognition and still maintain normal interactions with people. It’s one or the other. It’s against my better nature to make my private thoughts known except for the readers benefit . Which is to realize that I too am a person with real struggles and issues but I don’t cower in a corner and give up on life. I fight forward.

Just tired of lately being seen as someone who has issues with his past. I don’t have a past. It’s been wiped clean. I don’t have issues with people who are ‘ In Christ ‘. My issues are with people who are outside of Him and don’t get Him. So , to this end , bear with me as I continue this process of exposing myself to the outside world in the hope that God through me In Christ will help them find hope in Him.

Just so tired of being around negativity. I am a perfectly happy individual on my own.

Shall I continue ?

The joy of discovery is lacking .

I am feeling burned out on blogging , reposting and all things social media related. I just don’t feel it anymore. My mind feels like it’s rebelling and doesn’t want to do anything anymore. I don’t know if I’ll ever feel like myself again. I need a supportive environment of friends that I can socialize with once in a while and to be left alone with my own creativity. I feel muzzled and strained .

Covid-19 seems like a global threat against common sense. They’re out to kill us all through a vaccine and all I can think about is how stupid everyone is for falling for this non sense. The very thing I tried to combat viz. fear using faith didn’t materialize because ” A prophet is not welcome in his own country ” and ” He came unto his own and yet His own received Him not ” . I am so gatvol ( South African word meaning tired ) of pastors and Christians that give you the 50 yard stare when you mention the issues we’re all confronted with. They’ll not lift a finger to bring about a victory . All they can think of doing is waiting till the second coming. The most useless pathetic excuses for human beings are Christians. Jesus isn’t going to take you out of this persecution. You’re going to go through it and it would have been so much easier had you just listened to me.

I don’t know if it’s even worth it to continue. I’ve found a way to bring some revenue into the site but I feel like I can’t get it done.
Too many personal challenges.

I feel like my youth is gone , age is catching up with me and the things I thought were cool don’t exist anymore.
When I ask for support I am not asking for support for myself. I am asking you to support the Kingdom. It seems to me most Christians believe only in Kennith Copeland and Joyce Meyer. They’re sitting on 300 million and 200 hundred million a piece. They won’t lift a finger to enforce a Victory in Jesus name. Makes me sick.

This is what we’re up against. These bastards are out to kill us all. They are after your blood. If you don’t support the ministry of the Gospel in the way it should be done I am afraid you’re all doomed. Jesus isn’t going to come and save you from this evil if you don’t stand together as a body. Jesus isn’t coming back to save a mutilated bride.
Jesus knows how He looked before He was crucified. He gave His life so that we can look like Him. But you’re still grovelling in the dirt and powerless. You fail to support work that leads to faith In Him. I give up. I’ll leave you to your own devices.

I could have been so far ahead in the world but I gave it up to be part of a body. What body ? bunch of losers ! I regret the day I ever became part of such a bunch of losers and two faces. Give to the Lord , Tithe you say. Your backside man. You’re not God. Where are you now when we all need you huh ? I am referring to the tithe gatherers. You suck man. I propositioned you to join me in creating a movement . You wanted nothing of it and now fear has overcome all of you . And I’ve watched you waffle about COVID this and COVID that. You’ve all joined the wrong side !

Wake up Corona Virus Junkie

Sometimes there is a little bit of truth to something someone says. This guy seems to think so . He wants us to believe that 5G and the corona virus are linked. He seems to know what he’s talking about. I’d rather listen than die later because I was ignorant.