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My 2015 Car accident

car 2015 car no uturn 2015

It was a rough time in my life. It was May and I had decided to enroll in a prophetic school to bide my time and to help me get over a failed relationship. I don’t know why people seem to think that when they’re ready to give someone else hell that that is a time to start a relationship. If you can’t even believe God loves you how do you go about seeking out a relationship. It beats me. At any rate.. It was over and I tried to focus on the future but try as I might I couldn’t get over the blatant disrespect for what I stand for and am trying to do in this world. It all seemed to revolve around weather or not I had left the teaspoon in my cup while drinking coffee or not. It also seemed to revolve more around what her friends thought of me than what she actually thought of me.

Quite frankly , if your friends don’t have guts don’t make that my problem. Spending the rest of my life trying to please someone who doesn’t really understand what faithfulness really means wasn’t going to be my problem and in the end I couldn’t help but end the relationship. It hurt like hell because I really loved her but between her dishing out slaps to me in public and her blatant disrespect of my boundaries I had decided that enough is enough. Telling me that there is something wrong with me most of the time didn’t quite sound like the nature of a ‘ prophet ‘ to me. The ex used to believe she was a prophet in case you’re wondering why I said that.

While attending this prophetic course , I was told by yet another clueless bimbo who was into Arthur Burke that I was cursed by this woman I was in a relationship with. Really ? Is that what they teach you in prophetic school ? Such a load of trash it has never been my misfortune to continually cross paths with. And it seems to permeate the whole arena by people who refuse to listen but think they’re somehow been gifted to speak into people’s lives. Listen, do me a favor , if you can’t say without a doubt that you know where you’re going if you die and that God unconditionally loves you , don’t speak to me because you’re going to get your ass whipped. So , on my way to prophetic school one night a taxi decided to do a u-turn in-front of me. I hit it at 100 km an hour and the car which I had been married to for 14 years came to a sudden and fatal end. Just before hitting the taxi I told myself ‘ oh what the heck , it’s ok ‘ And that , my friends is how its done. It isn’t ” Oh my God , I still haven’t listened to Arthur Burke CD number 20001 ! “. That woman who told me I may be cursed literally cursed me by telling me what she believed. It didn’t stick however because I came out the other side after hitting that taxi with 15 people in it with nothing but a slight bruise on my forehead. Arthur Burke 0 Jesus Christ 1. I re-iterate , there is nothing you have to do to be saved. Just trust God for heavens sake.

I spent the whole night talking to my sister on the phone the night of the accident. I went to bed at four. At seven o’ clock I decided to phone someone I thought was a friend only to be told ” Nick , you know you should drive slower , perhaps if you’d listened to the Holy Spirit you’d have avoided the accident. ” Really ? Did Jesus not listen to the Holy Spirit and that’s how He landed up on the cross. Such ignoramus’s . I don’t consider the speed I was doing speeding . I was actually happy with my car and one block before the accident and decided that I was going to keep it. There was a red light flashing on the dashboard that I couldn’t seem to fix but otherwise she was ok. I had just refurbished roof lining.

I don’t want to have anything to do with women in the church anymore. Especially the one’s listening to Arthur Burke. You don’t seem to get that you can’t listen to ‘ teachings ‘ to get yourself into a better space with God. Rather use scripture on it’s own to convince yourself that it is finished . The cross is all that matters , and no I am not concentrating on one head of corn. ( my ex seemed to believe that all I knew was the gospel ie. the one head of corn and the bread of the rest of the word I didn’t know) . I have studied the word for more years than she had been baptised but she still felt the need to insult me in her prophecy group by saying ‘ there are other mielies in the field ‘ . Surely they ordained me a minister of God because I know a little more than the cross , but this she even questioned. Only Arthur Burke and university degrees count you see. I digress…She used to wake up and say ‘ read  the word ‘ . I know the word , I don’t have to read it. He , The Word , is alive in me ! I know myself !

Anway , thank you for costing me a car and for almost ruining my life but what the devil purposed for evil has instead become a testimony of simple faith in Jesus Christ.

My testimony is this , not even a taxi doing an illegal u-turn in front of me can separate me from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus. I moved that entire taxi out of the way without so much as hurting one person. The tax was still in one piece and hardly looked damaged. No One Died Praise Jesus !

Be an original

Sometimes we just have to remember who we are. It doesn’t help to wonder who we could have been. Or who someone else sees us as. I know who I am and the fact that I don’t verbalize it all the time does not qualify me as stupid. I think people would be surprised to know what occupies my mind most of the time. And perhaps some day they’ll have the opportunity to find out. I don’t appreciate people who think and act in a way that suggests that others around them are just plain stupid waiting for their need to issue an order. Such people would call themselves ‘leaders’ when in actual fact all they are is arrogant and ignorant. We don’t need your orders and we don’t appreciate your insecurity.  Every person they perceive as a loser that surrounds them is indicative of their own inability to see the magnificence of every person given by God as a gift to us. Just because someone can not calculate the shortest path to victory does not make them stupid. It in fact could be because of their intelligence that they don’t arrive at the ‘correct’ answer as quickly as you do because they consider more factors than you do. But you’re too busy judging and assuming to understand how they operate. And just because their views are not mainstream does not even less make them psycho.original The only psycho in the room is you because you embrace a lifestyle that kills people without knowing it. Wake up and smell your burned flesh melting as you consider everyone else to be a loser while you embrace your plastic surgery and need to dominate. One day soon everything you stand for is going to come crashing down around you as you wonder how it all got to be so. Your moral compass is off !

The ‘designers ‘ of the world are idiots pandering to their built in need to be accepted. Everything they do is designed to make you waste money faster. It’s designed to make you feel ‘out’ just as soon as they change what their latest idea of being ‘in ‘ is. The fact that you can be so stupid as to buy jeans with holes in them already means you’ve seriously got some messed up values. Who spends good money on jeans that are already used in order to feel ‘ in ‘ ? The joke is on you and the designers and bankers are laughing at you. Just look at what they wear when you’re not looking. It certainly isn’t ‘stone washed’ or sand blasted clothing. Oh no, but you’re so cool . You’re a ‘leader’. You’re nothing but a puppet to them.

The real value lies in seeing your own value apart from the worlds need for you to conform to their thinking. Why not trend something unique and bear the brunt of their scolding. It won’t be long before someone imitates you. Because this is the real need people have. They’re looking for someone to follow.

Be an original version of yourself and not a copy of someone else. Take some time to decide who it is you want to be.

Long time no post !

Hi People ,

I’ve been bogged down with many little foxes. Some of them have taken allot of my time and made me very frustrated. I have overcome ! Yes ! My car had to be be practically rebuilt. It started with the humble carburetor and ended with the right fender being dinged . I replaced shock absorbers and mountings , control arm bushes and rack and pinion.  And then last week the unthinkable happened. My core i7 dream machine decided it was going to break . It’s just been one heck of a ride but now it’s over. And I’ll be able to focus more on the network. I just need to deal with some unruly neighbors and things and then I’ll be able to function better. I guess I should say that I need to win some neighbors over to my way of thinking because I don’t quite think that fighting with them will help , even if their actions are intended to make me feel less worthy.

So expect some more good news and growth next year . In December things will slow down considerably. I’ll still try to blog once or twice and remember to keep running. It’s like so much work to keep it all working. You get bloggers, and then you get super bloggers and then you get me, the king of bloggers. haha ! It’s quite funny.. sorry private joke. Keep visiting and expecting great things to happen.


Cafe Racer

Thinking of building myself a cafe racer. Will get there …. rome wasn’t built in a day… this guy is really inspiring.

There is nothing wrong with me

People have a rather nasty way of dealing with and relating to someone whom they perceive to be in a situation they wouldn’t be able to handle. Instead of including such an individual into their circle they see them as useless and without any potential . Such non sense. They don’t want to be with them because any solution that the person comes up with isn’t taken as legitimate. They think they’re superior and can’t seem to understand the calmness that the person with the deficiency seems to have. It’s Christ.nothing wrong with me Christ is the difference. Shalom. Peace. The kind of peace that surpasses all understanding. If your very life shouldn’t be and you’re walking in nothing but pure grace you wouldn’t make much sense to anyone else either.

Well.. I am royalty. I have potential and some day all who treated me with disdain are going to regret it. It’s just that way because such is the inheritance of those who are the Lord’s . The wheel in the sky keeps on turning. YaY … just wait for it.


Think of things above

Philippians 4:5-9

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Such a beautiful passage of scripture. We are encouraged to not be anxious but to trust God . And to think of things above and not things below. Friends , whoever has hurt you or broken your trust isn’t worth thinking about . What they can do isn’t worth worrying about , We have overcome the world in Christ Jesus and when we think of our dear Lord and savior and what he has done for us we have a sure foundation and starting point for this changed mind set.

I believe we’re all capable of being happy and full of certainty in Spirit mind and body by feeding our souls with the right kind of thoughts. Because thoughts lead us to actions which translate into habits which form superb character. We should associate more with people who don’t present in a bitter fashion but have this life in them. So that when we’re called to action in the world toward those of a lower nature we can be both salt and light to them. I trust this word meets with you in a  yes kind of way !

Yes ! Victory 🙂

Problem sorted.

After scratching my head for 24 hours I finally found out why we couldn’t post in the visual editor. Problem now sorted. Continue. problem sorted

In the beginning

I was sitting down one day and thought to myself ” who would I make God if I never knew that there was even a God ? ” I was seriously perplexed by this question. Who would I attribute the strength of my life to in other words ? This is an important question we should all as ourselves. I thought about it for a minute and then I realized that I would need confidence to move forward. But who would give me confidence ? It would have to be someone who had it in the first place. I would have to believe what they said before I would feel as though they were the source of my confidence. The report they would share with me of how to move forward and the outcome would be paramount. So this friendly persons words would mean everything to me. I would have to trust what they said in order to take it to heart.

Now we all have people we trust in life. And the reports they bring influence our decisions. We sometimes simply trust what they say and make a decision before without batting an eye lid. Sometimes we are overjoyed by the things they say when we believe it has bearing on our lives. And other times we don’t like what they say because of how they say it. We confuse what they are saying and the intent of it because of things like tone of delivery and timing. But it still in fluences us. So words are very important in our lives. The words we accept as true we trust. And this is what I am getting at. The character of the person who delivers that word and the power we believe they hold causes us to be influenced by them.

We may think of them as loving and weak but still truthful. We accept what they say and base our world view on it none the less. Or there may be a person whom you perceive to have allot of power and because of the power they hold you react to the words they deliver either out of fear or gain. So we chose our Gods based on what we believe is true. Reality is very important !

If we only knew what was real we would know what to do so as not to get in trouble and also gain the most by it. So the word we accept as true is God. We have many words flying around us all day. Some of them true and allot of it lies. So we don’t know who to believe anymore.

Words either bring life or death. They influence our behavior and either cause us to make useful decisions or catastrophic ones. Some of the decisions we make we believe to be good for us are in the end bad because they’re myopic. So who’s word are we to believe ? The news is very important because it causes us to be influenced. So the news brought to us through words has the power to either cause life to flourish or to bring death. We can’t allow this anymore. We need to fight back with the truth.

Not some airy fairy truth but truth of eternal value. So that the decisions we make are based on truth. Why is the world the way it is today ? Because the decisions people make are selfish and they’re selfish because of the word they hold as dear and true. They don’t believe in consequences of their actions because they believe the ‘ word ‘ that says there is no God. Therefore no one to discipline them into the correct behavior. There is also a false word out there that You’re never absolved of your mistakes. People try to fix their identity by constantly trying to make right with God…because of the ‘ word ‘ they accept. The WORD is God. So words are of paramount importance.

You can not perfect yourself . The word you accept as true either gives you hope or it kills you by trying to make you earn favor. To finally be acceptable to God they teach that you have to ‘ work ‘ at it. You can not separate your salvation into compartments of being sanctified through working and only saved and not sanctified because you’re not working at it. Salvation is salvation. Once saved always saved. This is the word that I hold as true. You don’t have to dig around your mind like some lost fart trying to figure out how to sanctify yourself. Your soul is either saved or it is not. And Jesus came to save your soul. Not just your spirit and your soul you have to work on. You either believe in the finished work of the cross and accept this work or you try and perfect yourself through religious activity. But you can’t do both. Who’s word are you going to take ?

It’s simple. What was started in the Spirit is made perfect by walking in the Spirit. When you received the word that Jesus paid the full price for your sin you were overjoyed because you believed this word. And now ? what are you doing now by grovelling for acceptance ? Or believing that Jesus somehow sees your righteousness as less than the next man because you’re not quite there yet. ‘ we haven’t arrived ‘ Ofcourse not because you’re being prepared for a physical death but you’re supposed to be dead to ALL religious efforts to perfect yourself. God isn’t schitzophrenic and double minded. If He says you’re righteous then you’re righteous ! Yes we haven’t arrived but trying to measure yourself or your ‘ growth ‘ means you’ve stopped walking with the Spirit and have now started once again with your religious mind set. You have the mind of Christ ! accept this ‘ word ‘ . You can’t have a small amount of His mind and the rest is junk you’re supposed to sort through. Put the whole lot of it aside and look at Jesus. Don’t work on your ‘ hurts ‘ ..Then you’re not walking in Victory for crying out loud ! Jesus isn’t bothered about your past ,  so why are you ? which-word1

You’re either saved or your not. There is no inbetween or else He’ll spit you out.

Anyway..I digress… In the Beginning was the Word and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God. So who’s word are you taking ? Arthur Burke ? Silly, Are you so foolish having begun in the Spirit that you’re now going to be made perfect in the flesh ? WORK out your salvation with fear and trembling means get to the bottom of it and FINALLY SIMPLY BELIEVE. Don’t let someone turn you away from the simplicity of the Gospel. His Yolk is easy and His burden is Light ! Live the abundant life ! Not the blood line curse investigation life. Or are you holding onto your pride and want to be called doctor. Well you’re not. You travel 1000 miles to find one convert and then turn him into twice a son of hell than you are. White washed tomb stone !

So who’s word are we to believe then ? ‘ and they overcame by the blood of the lamb and word of their testimony ‘ The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. So THIS word we are to believe and no other !

If I get any more clarity on this matter I’ll let you know.

Over and out .

The Monthly Rant !

Wouldn’t it be great if people actually paid to hear some good news and humor ? But no , I have figured it out. People love to compare themselves to others because of their legalistic mind sets. They think if they can get exactly what they want they’ll be acceptable to their neighbors.rantimage_lrg

If someone experiences a loss they’re secretly happy in the deep dark recesses of their minds because they are that one step ahead of them. Sick !

They complain about everything and never experience any good in life despite all their deceitful lying to those who see their perfectly plucked eye brows. No body cares except you , trust me. It’s all in your head. And yet you persist in seeking out bad news in everything you see. It’s the devil you say, No ! It’s you ! take responsibility for your futile thinking.

There are no demons in buildings or paintings. You’re the demon walking around telling everyone you see how evil the world is. There is nothing beautiful left in your head because you’ve polluted it with your religious views which have only served to create and fuel wars in the past. Well congratulations. clap clap clap….you’re going nowhere slowly and you’re dragging everyone down with you in the name of Love. pathetic..and people actually listen to you.