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Shall I continue ?

The joy of discovery is lacking .

I am feeling burned out on blogging , reposting and all things social media related. I just don’t feel it anymore. My mind feels like it’s rebelling and doesn’t want to do anything anymore. I don’t know if I’ll ever feel like myself again. I need a supportive environment of friends that I can socialize with once in a while and to be left alone with my own creativity. I feel muzzled and strained .

Covid-19 seems like a global threat against common sense. They’re out to kill us all through a vaccine and all I can think about is how stupid everyone is for falling for this non sense. The very thing I tried to combat viz. fear using faith didn’t materialize because ” A prophet is not welcome in his own country ” and ” He came unto his own and yet His own received Him not ” . I am so gatvol ( South African word meaning tired ) of pastors and Christians that give you the 50 yard stare when you mention the issues we’re all confronted with. They’ll not lift a finger to bring about a victory . All they can think of doing is waiting till the second coming. The most useless pathetic excuses for human beings are Christians. Jesus isn’t going to take you out of this persecution. You’re going to go through it and it would have been so much easier had you just listened to me.

I don’t know if it’s even worth it to continue. I’ve found a way to bring some revenue into the site but I feel like I can’t get it done.
Too many personal challenges.

I feel like my youth is gone , age is catching up with me and the things I thought were cool don’t exist anymore.
When I ask for support I am not asking for support for myself. I am asking you to support the Kingdom. It seems to me most Christians believe only in Kennith Copeland and Joyce Meyer. They’re sitting on 300 million and 200 hundred million a piece. They won’t lift a finger to enforce a Victory in Jesus name. Makes me sick.

This is what we’re up against. These bastards are out to kill us all. They are after your blood. If you don’t support the ministry of the Gospel in the way it should be done I am afraid you’re all doomed. Jesus isn’t going to come and save you from this evil if you don’t stand together as a body. Jesus isn’t coming back to save a mutilated bride.
Jesus knows how He looked before He was crucified. He gave His life so that we can look like Him. But you’re still grovelling in the dirt and powerless. You fail to support work that leads to faith In Him. I give up. I’ll leave you to your own devices.

I could have been so far ahead in the world but I gave it up to be part of a body. What body ? bunch of losers ! I regret the day I ever became part of such a bunch of losers and two faces. Give to the Lord , Tithe you say. Your backside man. You’re not God. Where are you now when we all need you huh ? I am referring to the tithe gatherers. You suck man. I propositioned you to join me in creating a movement . You wanted nothing of it and now fear has overcome all of you . And I’ve watched you waffle about COVID this and COVID that. You’ve all joined the wrong side !

Wake up Corona Virus Junkie

Sometimes there is a little bit of truth to something someone says. This guy seems to think so . He wants us to believe that 5G and the corona virus are linked. He seems to know what he’s talking about. I’d rather listen than die later because I was ignorant.

Here is some footage I shot … Testing …

I am amazed that youtube has prevented me from embedding video’s . I am going to have to use vimeo or bitchute to get my message accross. I can’t embed any of your video’s either. It seems like this network has been black listed.


  Having fought the death of my career and facing all the negative voices and idiot questions about my...

Facebook Migration

Back in the 90’s I joined internet relay chat and made some fabulous friends. We had all sorts of fun with each other and we gathered together in what were called Chat Rooms. Each chat room had a moderator and would impose their will on the people who chatted . They handled complaints and kicked and banned people from the room who were misbehaving. The only problem with these rooms were that people have different beliefs and values. So naturally if the room couldn’t accommodate your point of view you’d leave feeling resentful and bitter and you would start your own room. You would then proceed to steal members from the room that offended you. And so the politics of chat was experienced by all.

When facebook arrived on the scene they sucked all the IRC chatters into their realm and accommodated any and all points of view except for pornography. But now they’ve gone too far. I’ve been around long enough to realize that this doesn’t bode well for facebook because the software to create a social network is easy to find. All one needs are a team of willing people to help you create it with a business model that works and members will start leaking out of facebook at a steady pace.

This very network , the Nikipress News Network was created because of an IRC spat. I created it in revenge for not having any place to share my views on Christ. There is more to the story than that. This is just part of the story. I was recently censored on facebook because I dared to actually have an opinion about Italians during world war two and of Turks currently. Read my previous post if you need to understand what the issues were . But now I am banned. So ? I’ve already found MEWE.COM where you can create your own account and drag your friends without having to experience the scensorship of Mr Zuckerberg . Facebook , your days are numbered. You’re nothing more than a hyper inflated IRC chat room with superiority issues.

So facebook bans me


You don’t get to tell me about your stupid community standards when all the while you’ve got no standards yourself ! All you do is sell information to the highest bidder and spy on people. Just who the hell do you think you are ? You’re not God or the Catholic church.

This is a christian network , Nikipress I mean. I participate on facebook but lately I’ve come to the conclusion that Satan is alive and well on facebook. I said a few things that are factually correct but was told that I violated community standards. Standards ? You mean selling my data to corporations ? you mean that kind of standard ? How can a moronic organisation dictate standards to people.

I called Turks Mongols because that’s what they are. They invaded my country and stole my capital. Constantinople is not theirs . It belongs to the Byzantine empire who’s official land is Mount Athos and still exists to this day with it’s own flag , you even need a pasport to visit it. I was called a gypsy by a Turk. But this is ok according to facebook but I am sanctioned because I am speaking the truth. Turks are mongols and they’re gypsies . Greece was an empire way before there were any Turks in the area.

I also called Italians scumbags , historically , not today , you must understand me. For what ? For invading Greece during world war 2. And again for speaking the truth , I was banned for two days. We need to get off this network now. Facebook is a liberal leftist globalist organisation. Run by questionable people. Questionable people don’t get to play Lord over me. You don’t get to black list me , I get to black list you. Italy of today is at peace with Greece and we value Italians , they’re great people . But Mussolini wasn’t a great person. He was an idiot. Along with Adolf Hitler.

I have included this video just to help you think a bit. In Christ we are all one , but facts are facts and I won’t be taught manners by a glutenous money making violence creating leftist scumbag organisation.

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