I found my identity in Christ

So I was thinking , Right , and these days it doesn’t happen too often but yeah , was thinking.

I decided when I was in standard 4 that I wanted to be a doctor. I told my school teacher. Before I could realize it I was called to the principals office and was told that I am too stupid to be a doctor. I remember saying ” I am only 10 ” ..I have my entire school career left to make my marks better. But she insisted that I am too stupid to be a doctor. So I asked her if I could be a dentist and she told me that dentists and doctors study the same things and I am not clever enough for that either.

The reason why I thought I’d make a good doctor was because my marks had improved significantly since I was in standard two. I really thought I could do it. I decided to study harder to make my marks good enough to be a doctor. I could not get into the top 20 of my standard all the time I was in high school. It was devastating to my aspirations to be a doctor.

But here’s the deal. The only reason I studied harder in the first place  ,before I told the teacher I wanted to be a doctor , was because I had shamed my parents by stealing a radio controlled car from a toy store. I was caught and so I decided that I was a bad boy and I needed to study harder to make my parents proud of me. And why had I stolen the toy car ? I believed I wasn’t loved enough by my father and thought I’d steal my own toys seeing as how he never wanted to buy me any. So what I really wanted was my dad’s love. I was working for love. This is what I was doing.

And so …many many years later I remembered the words of Jesus . He said ” whoever wants to save his life will lose it and whoever wants to lose his life will save it. ” And so.. I went to a garden and pondered on these words and I realized what they meant was that I had to let go. And so I did let go. Over the course of the following three days I let go. At the end of the third day I found the biggest love enter into me. I was filled with love and then I realized that there isn’t anything wrong with my life and that I had found who I am in Christ. My new identity is LOVE , I had found my father.

So really , becoming a doctor wasn’t what I was after. I was after what was there all along and I have the perfect identity in Him anyway. We are not called to become doctors , we are called to become Christ.


One comment to “I found my identity in Christ”
  1. Really truly awesomely beautifully written and yes, LOVE is all that’s needed and to become like our Father, Jesus Christ and to live for Him. We’re not perfect but must keep striving to perfection and every time we fall, we must just get up and keep on trying, not and give up.
    This world is full of status awareness it’s just not funny, we are only meant to live for Him and spread the Word/Gospel and your doing a good job as always and always have been.
    I’m joyous you have found your identity…

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